
Musings in bullet form

Because I write this blog mainly for me (at least that's what I tell myself - see below) here goes another ramble/question in bullet form. I'll try to make it short.

• Do you ever wonder what it is you are doing wrong with regard to diet/weight loss? I know the answer, but hey I just had to ask. I know that people lose weight differently and at different speeds, but dang I so want to be at goal right now. If I didn't have that last cookie, maybe just maybe...

•Head Hunger is a biiiiiiioootttttchhhh!!! That's what I have been dealing with when it comes to those cookies ^^^. I wish somebody would tell me how to get over that hurdle.

• I'm back on Atkin's after diverting for a week or two. I picked up 5+ lbeees and wasn't at all happy. I have to be close to goal by August because I don't want my stomach being bigger than the new boobs I'm getting.

• Which brings me to this point. I think I'm more determined just because of the aforementioned statement.

• Have you ever wondered why when you send a friend request on a certain social networking site to a person, they don't accept, even though you thought you were cool elsewhere. #justasking

• I read a post the other day and the person said (paraphrasing) "it's not like anyone will comment anyway." I felt bad for this person, not just because they felt this way, but because I have sometimes felt this way before too. And if you admit it, you have too. We (some of us) often say that this blogging thing is "more for us" something like a journal, but if we are truthful we will admit that when we type a post that we think is prophetic, prolific or just down-right funny we would like at least one person to comment.

• What keeps me plugging along with this thing.....success stories (in no certain order) like Tessie Rose, Amy W., Stephanie, Catherine55, Grace, Lap Band Gal and the list goes on.

• This post in no way indicates that I am down on myself or in some self pity mode. On the contrary, I am quite happy today (and most days). These are just random ramblings I had in my head.


Lap Band Gal said...

Yes, head hunger SUX! But, as you know, it can be overcome. Such a mind game this journey is! HUGS

Amy W. said...

yeah. once you figure out the head hunger thing let me know ASAP! I still battle it everyday. I am eating a damn atkins bar right now, when what I really wanted was a CANDY BAR and so now I am grumpy bc I made the right choice when I soooo wanted the bad choice. Have you shared the date for your new boobies? Did you pick a size? Did I miss all that?

Theresa said...

Head hunger does suck! Keep plugging away, and blogging away, you can do this! Thanks for the shout out....You are so sweet and I just can't wait to meet you in person!!

Banded Mommy (Angie) said...

Loved this post!!! Many feelings are mutual.

Pamela E. Williams said...

You guys just make me smile!! Thanks for the encouragement.

@Amy W. I don't have an exact date on the new boobies, but as soon as I do, I will let you guys know. I do know that my plastic surgeon and I have agreed that it will be in August. I told him that it has to be in between Summer classes and Fall classes. So I'm projecting the week of the 15th. Fingers crossed.

@Angie....*waving* IKR!!

Keelie said...

I am very thankful for all the comments you leave me!!! I have been feeling bad lately because blog reading/commenting has been really loz on my priority list lately but I know how happy and encouraged it makes me feel to get comments from others. It is a little more than "just for me," you are right. And I've noticed the number of comments going down on my blog and I have to admit it makes me go "have I said something wrong? am i boring now?" etc. but I just tell myself that whoever is meant to read it will and I ultimately it IS for me and that's all that matters. Anyway, just felt the need to comment since this has really been on my mind lately...

Keep afte it--I am excited to read about your upcoming...changes :) I hope to have a new tummy sometime in the next year! Yahoo!!

Beth Ann said...

I wonder about my weight loss all the time and get frustrated like crazy! But I just keep plugging away because the alternative is to give up and that certainly isn't an option. :)

Keep at it, chica!

-Grace- said...

You got this! Head hunger is the bane of our collective existence.

Thanks for the kudos :)

Sarah G said...

Head hunger is a beast! I'm battling it right now too. We can beat it!

DiZneDiVa said...

I really wish there was a magic wand or an easy way out of this obesity thing... because the sense of accomplishment thing is just not as tasty as chocolate.... I'm just sayin'

Steph said...

I battle head hunger all the tim. There is a half of a hot dog left over from dinner that is calling my name, but i'm not body hungry, just taste hungry and it sucks!!

We are all here for you and know that your blogging helps us all...old and new!!

Now just focus on the positive changes that have happened to you and know that more are just around the corner...and so is CHICAGO!!!

Justawallflower said...

Head hunger still gets me more often than not. Gotta get that figured out, so if you do, let me know! I would never ignore a friend request from you! And did I miss something about new boobies? I want some too!!!!